DAV Sr. Sec. Public School Ambota

Ambota, Distt. UNA ( H.P.) PIN 177205


The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel the school has its own fleet  of eleven (11) school buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers. The Transport Service (optional) is operated by the school and a separate transport fee is charged for this. For supervision and monitoring a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey. Mobile phones have been provided in each bus that ensures efficiency in terms of service and better communication in case of emergencies. Besides ensuring the implementation of the safety norms, all staff on the bus is well trained in first aid and emergency management 

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Ambota, Una-177205


Website :davschoolambota.co.in

Phone : 01976-241454, 240545 Fax : 01976-242654


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